
As RICS Registered Valuers we provide a full valuation service to financial institutions, pension funds, property companies, professional advisors and private clients in respect of freehold and leasehold land and property for a wide range of purposes.

Advice is prepared and given in accordance with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) best practice and detailed reports are provided to suit clients’ individual requirements. In any valuation exercise the purposes of the valuation must be identified and clearly understood. Walton Goodland provide expert advice in all the following areas:

We have experience in valuing all types of commercial property including more specialist market sectors such as livestock markets, social housing, substantial development sites with complex ownership issues, places of worship, easements/restrictive lease covenants and rights of way, pubs, restaurants and hotels. We are able to provide an expert witness in most aspects of litigation involved with property valuation or Landlord and Tenant matters including dealing with evidence before the Lands Tribunals and Local Valuation Tribunals and in the civil courts. Through co-operation with clients and their solicitors we are able to ensure close attention to the fine detail which is required with this type of work to provide a wide range of tactical and professional guidance. We have direct access to leading barristers in these fields.